
Ute Hub Bug List

Shrink all/expand all and show replies/hide replies only work on the page in which selected. Cooke wasn’t set to cover whole domain, rather just the page it was set on.  Changed cookie to cover whole domain path.

Shrink all and expand all button on home page store cookie only for expand. So no matter what, content is expanded after that.
fixed 2/20/17

Feature Suggestion: Open new tab/window when clicking links outside of the site.
Done 2/10/17

Check the home page category filter dialog size on mobile phones. Tacoma reports that the bottom is cut off on his phone.

Usernames/avatars in the home page are supposed to link to the user’s profile.  When I added the hierarchical threads I f’d those up somehow.  Bug logged.
Fixed 1/29/17

User receives repost error when posting content that is the same as any content in the entire history of the user. So if the user posted “Go Utes” on 11/4/15 and then again posts “Go Utes” today, the error happens.  This was implemented to prevent users from double posting by hitting the back button or refreshing the browser after posting, which works.

on some mobile devices the submit reply buttons are covered when the device’s keyboard comes up.  Possible workarounds: rotate device or close the keyboard.

Submit and cancel buttons slide up and become invisible on long posts with the NEW MESSAGE dialog. (chrome, FF, safari).  Think it is just that the text editor window needs a fixed size.  Temporary workaround is to hit the bigger, top cancel button, then the new message button again.  The message draft is still there. Fixed 11/2/16

User can’t click on like or dislike in firefox (computer or mobile) in the home page (this will be fixed with the upcoming update). Fixed 11/1/16

If posting a photo in the home page threaded view, the photo is broken in the forum pages.  There is a slash missing in the image tag.
Fixed 11/1/16