Baylor @  Utah


Post a Link

  1. Click on the Link button in the text editor.  It will either have a chain-link icon, or say “link” in the button.
  2. Add a description for the link in the “link text” field. For example: “Utes Play in 2nd Rose Bowl”
  3. Type/paste in the FULL URL to the link URL field.  Good example: – Bad example:

Post a YouTube Video

  1. Copy the video URL from the URL bar of your browser
  2. Paste video URL in the text editor area on its own line
  3. There is no step 3

When the post/reply is loaded the video should automatically appear.

Post a Twitter Tweet

  1. Click on the tweet.
  2. Copy the URL of the tweet from the URL bar of your browser. DO NOT USE THE “Copy Link to Tweet” button!
  3. Paste tweet URL in the text editor area on its own line

For more details view this forum topic on how to post tweets.

When the post/reply is loaded the tweet should automatically appear.

Post an Image

To save on storage and server resources, Ute Hub does not allow users to upload images to the site. Images from other websites can be displayed here by using the image URL.

  1. Find an image to post on a website like twitter, instagram, flickr etc.
  2. On a Mac (one mouse button or track pad) hold down the control key then click the image to open the image menu. Select “copy image address.” On Windows right-click the mouse on the image to open the menu and select “copy image address.” This copies the image’s URL.
  3. In the Ute Hub text editor click on the ‘img’ button. The image button may say “IMG” or may look like an icon of a mountain.
  4. Paste the image URL into the popup window.
  5. Optional: Add image description.

NOTE: This site is smart enough to resize the image for the size of the user’s window. No matter the size it will not break the site layout so there is no need to worry about the image width. That said, posting gigantic images is not recommended because they will load slowly. Generally JPG images up to 1200 pixels in width should be fine.

Image files will end with .jpg or .png.  If the file you are trying to attach does not end with either .jpg or .png the image will not post.

Send Board Mail – Private Messages

  1. Navigate to the user’s profile by clicking the user’s avatar/icon, username, or @hashtag
  2. Click on “Private Message” button to send a private message


  1. Go to the messages page by selecting Messages under the Hub menu
  2. Click the compose button
  3. Enter the username of the recipient
  4. enter the title and message, then hit send

Read Board Mail

  1. If a user has new mail, the user will be notified via email (make sure your email provider does not block, and/or the Hub menu will show a new mail envelope icon.
  2. Click on “Go to the discussion” in the notification email to be taken to the message, or click on the Hub menu, then the Messages sub menu.


  1. Go to the messages page by selecting Messages under the Hub menu
  2. The messages will appear in a list
  3. Click the message you wish to read

Edit a Post

  1. From the home page, click Open at the bottom of the post to be taken to the post in the main forum.
  2. In the main forum, click Edit on the post

Delete a Post

  1. Only administrators can delete posts or replies. If you wish to have a post/reply deleted, contact an admin.

Change Public User Name

Ute Hub has a few different types of user names.  The public user name is what other users see, and can be different than the login or real name.  Due to users abusing the option to change usernames, and thus fake posts by other users, changing the public user name may now only be done by an admin.

Change Login Name

Please contact an admin to change the login name. This name must be unique and have no spaces.

Delete Account

Sorry to see you go. But if you must, please contact an admin to have your account deleted.

Deactivate Account

Ute Hub accounts cannot be deactivated.

Filter or Block Content

The home page has a category filter which may be used to turn off or “uncheck a category.”  Click the Category button at the top of the home page and check/uncheck the categories to customize your experience.

Block or Ignore a User

NOTE: Blocked/Ignored users on the website are not shared with the mobile app.  Each is separate and must be managed separately. So if you block someone on the website, you will still see their content on the mobile app until you block them there. 

  • In order to use this feature on the website, you must be logged in.
  • Click ignore user icon above the post. The icon looks like a user with a line through it.


  • From the home page click the three dots under the post, then click “block user” in the popup menu.

To manage your blocked users on the website, visit:


  • Tap the down arrow in a topic or reply written by the user you wish to ignore.
  • Tap the “Ignore (username)” button
  • To see users you’ve blocked on mobile, go to “Settings” and then tap the “Ignored Users” button

View and Edit Ignored/Blocked Users


  • In order to use this feature on the website, you must be logged in.
  • Go to to view a list of users you’ve blocked
  • Click “Un-block” to remove a user from your blocks list


  • Tap “Settings” from the Home screen
  • Tap the “Ignored Users” button to view the list of blocked users
  • Tap the X next to a user to “un-block” the user

Change Password

  1. Go to user profile by clicking your own icon/avatar or username.
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Enter new password and confirm, then hit save

Forgot Password

  1. Click on the lost password link in the login area.
  2. Follow prompts to get a new password emailed to you.

Note: Password is EMAILED.  If you do not receive emails from due to being blocked, you will not be able to reset your password or receive site notifications.  Notify your email service provider to whitelist mail from or change emails.