The Rice-Eccles Stadium expansion is complete and the season has started. Here are some new aerial photos and oh boy do they look great. Absolutely beautiful.

When I stop by the cemetery to visit my mom (RIP), I always bring my killer drone to capture some aerial photos of the Rice Eccles Stadium construction progress. I made a stop today and despite the smokey air, got some great shots of the new construction. Enjoy.


What a great day to celebrate the Ute Hub 4th birthday! Back on this day in 2015 Ute Hub was born. I express my thanks to all Ute Hub members who contribute with such great content, because its that content that makes the site what it is.  I’m happy to provide the platform! Also many thanks to those who have contributed to the fundraisers, especially the current fall fundraiser.  Ute Hub is AD FREE and it is the support of donors that helps keep it that way.

Please feel free to send me bug reports and suggestions on how to improve the site.  Some of the sites coolest features, like the Pick Em game, were suggestions from users.

Now let’s beat USC!


On the home page I had a “repost error” message for when people would hit the back button or somehow double post from the home page. The way it worked was to check the db for a previous match to the topic/reply content and if it found a match it would throw an error at the user.  The problem with that is two-fold. As the messages table gets bigger, it will take longer and longer for that “check” to happen.  Worse, if someone posts the same message on different days, even years apart, the message will still happen.  It was a good idea to prevent some irritating things from happening, but it turned out to be more irritating for me if I type “awesome” as a reply. That won’t work since I’ve already written that..

Long story short, that “feature” is gonzo.

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