Covey’s comments on Rose Bowl uniforms

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    • #161889

      Ghost of the HEB
      Ute Fan

      Covey said yesterday that, based on what he’s seen people requesting, fans will be pleased with the Rose Bowl uniform combo — though he couldn’t reveal any specifics. We already know we’re wearing white. To me, Covey was insinuating we’re getting some iteration of the white throwbacks. Personally, I want to see a combo of throwback white Jersey and pants with the red interlocking U helmet. This would be a similar look to our sugar bowl unis.

      Covey also acknowledged the somewhat controversial championship game uniform choices, and that those were mostly Devin Lloyd’s decision. And now, given the context and victory, that combo will be held in high-regard among Utah fandom.

    • #161891

      Ute Fan

      Hoping the interlocking UU on the helmet will have a rose integrated on the logo similar to the gear being sold at the Red Zone store. 

      • #161897

        Ute Fan

        AZ, that is a genius idea! Would look so cool if they incorporated a rose through the interlocking Us like the Rose Bowl gear they’ve released. Wish someone had a connection to make that happen.

        • #161898

          Ute Fan

          One question. Would you guys prefer the all white throw back look (white helmet interlocking UU, white jersey, white pants) or the white helmet, white jersey, red pants look? Or I also really like the white, white, black pants look…kind of like the Atlanta Falcons. Both are cool IMO just curious what you all think?

          Uni combo – white, white, black

    • #161892

      Central Coast Ute
      Ute Fan

      I’m not sure why anyone had a problem with CCG combo. I get people are unwilling to acknowledge that Utah can wear black, but I thought it looked nice.

      • #161896

        Ute Fan

        Agreed, the CCG unis were badass!! And I love that Lloyd and our captains picked them…whatever gives them a little bit extra juice I’m all for!

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Covey’s comments on Rose Bowl uniforms