Dear dude who fired up a joint in N21 last night

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    • #73462

      Ute Fan

      1. Go buy some better weed. That was some nasty-ass, skunky garbage you were smoking.
      2. I have zero issue with people wanting to partake, but there’s a time and a place. The time is not midway through the third quarter and the place is definitely not in a packed stadium, right in front of a bunch of kids.

      In short, I fully support your right to toke, but please go be an a**hole somewhere else. Thanks.


      (cross-posted from UFN because it needs to be said)

    • #73469

      Ute Fan

      With concentrates and ecigs you might as well kiss that concept goodbye. “Discreet” is the new selling point for most of those things. 

    • #73499

      Tony (admin)

      Soon to be picked up on and completely exaggerated by zoobwire. 

    • #73585

      Ute Fan

      edibles are available and prevalent. 

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Dear dude who fired up a joint in N21 last night