Tunnel walk

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    • #177340

      Extra Medium
      Ute Fan

      Other than Joker & Thief what is the other song the stadium plays during the tunnel walk. I can’t remember right now and it’s driving me crazy.

    • #177358

      Ute Fan

      Kick start my heart.  I always turn to the guy behind me who grew up in Lincoln and sold cokes at Nebraska games as a kid and tell him Utah has the worst tunnel walk in college football (Nebraska really does have the best one).  He just agrees.  It needs a revamp and a Utah specific brand because right now it is a disjointed mess.


      • #177412

        Extra Medium
        Ute Fan

        Thank you. They have come a long way when it comes to creating a great atmosphere for football. Traditions develop over time. We’ll get there. We don’t have the dancing old lady of the 4th qtr drum anymore so we’re getting better.

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