Local Media Formula for Instant Ratings:
– Do any 1 of the following 4 items, they are listed in order of importance,
1) Praise and Congratulate BYU on any accomplishment, no matter how minor – treat it as if it is unique to BYU;
2) Discredit allegations, or spin away negative news about BYU, no matter how major – treat it as if it is something every school does;
3) Discredit any accomplishment Utah is able to do, no matter how major – treat it as if it is a “dime a dozen” type accomplishment;
4) Compare any favorable news about Utah that is unable to be discredited to something similar that BYU has accomplished, no matter how far back in the past – treat it as if both schools are good, but BYU has been better longer.
And BOOM just like that you have instant SLC Media Market success…