I can’t listen to Kyle anymore

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    • #70758
      4 10


      New drinking game. Take a shot whenever…

      Kyle makes a borderline inappropriate joke, or

      Kyle says the guys played “hard, played their hearts out,” or

      Kyle says that he was out coached, or

      Kyle says that their problems are going to get fixed, or

      Kyle talks about bouncing back. 

      You should be s**t-faced drunk within 30 seconds. 

    • #70761
      6 8

      Ute Fan

      Sure seems like he’s been making these excuses a lot, for a long time. I’m just waiting for these fans who say “We can never do better, because we’re small time” to get tired of acting small time.

    • #70764
      9 5

      Ute Fan

      If you’re offended by Kyle Whittinghams jokes there’s another school in the state who would welcome you with open arms.  

    • #70766
      3 3


      Not looking for suggestions, thanks.

    • #70772

      Ute Fan

      Well it does sound like a fun drinking game for a drunk. I mean if you include EVERY coach speak it does mean you will get drunk. 

    • #70800

      Ute Fan

      Watched the press conference — he did seem ticked about the loss, basically said the game was lost based on 3 plays, the big one given up by the defense (otherwise a great performance, but you can’t ignore one bad play if its the game winner) and the two Utah plays called back by penalties.   You could tell he was not happy about the calls.   About the Covey runback he said “the official thought he saw something”.  We know and he knows it was bad call.

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football I can’t listen to Kyle anymore