Runnin' Utes at UCLA

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    • #8599

      Tony (admin)

      My questions for tonight’s game are as follows:

      1. Will Poeltl get in foul trouble?
      2. Will the guards show up like they did in the past two home games?
      3. Will Loveridge make an impact?
      4. Will Tucker be on or off?
      5. Is Reyes hurt? He didn’t play in the last game.

      In order for us to win we need to get 3 of the first 4 in this list right, mostly #1 and #2.

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Tony (admin).
    • #8605


      I’m in my car atop a parking structure staring at Pauley Pavillon, listening to ESPN 700 on the iPhone. Business had me on the West Side and no way was I going to rot in traffic for 3 hours to get home to Fullerton. So I’m going to the game.

      Go Utes!

      P.S. Reyes was out sick with the Flu the last game.

      • #8607

        Tony (admin)

        I do remember hearing on the post-game that the whole team was very sick.

    • #8608

      Wilson’s Mustache
      Ute Fan

      1. Will Poeltl get in foul trouble? (Yes, unfortunately this is the name of the game especially on the road)
      2. Will the guards show up like they did in the past two home games? (We lose if they don’t)
      3. Will Loveridge make an impact? (Yes, I think he has a big game from the 3 point range)
      4. Will Tucker be on or off? (Off)
      5. Is Reyes hurt? He didn’t play in the last game. (I believe he had the flu or something)

      In order for us to win we need to get 3 of the first 4 in this list right, mostly #1 and #2.

      I have to add 6. Do we turn it over more than 15 times?

      • #8612

        Tony (admin)

        Wilson’s Mustache I would think much of your #6 depends on the guards, though Poeltl and Loveride can get careless sometimes.

        • #8613

          Wilson’s Mustache
          Ute Fan

          The guards have definitely been turnover machines at times, but it seems when Utah gets out of rhythm the entire team tends to get careless with the ball.

          • #8614


            Utah needs new guards hopefully for next seasons bigs. Wright is awful and I don’t even know how he keeps his schollie. Hopefully Ogbe gets healthy and Bonam learns to take care of the ball.

            • #8615

              Wilson’s Mustache
              Ute Fan

              I have high hopes for the Bonam, Ogbe, Bealer potential. Mostly because I doubt I have any other option than to hope for improvement.

              • #8616

                Tony (admin)

                Will Ogbe ever play again? Wow.

                Next year is a huge mystery.

                • #8617

                  Wilson’s Mustache
                  Ute Fan

                  Would have been less a mystery had Jayce played this year. I still think it a mistake that he is going to sit this year out even if it would have only been half a year.

                  Hopefully 4 years from now I’ll be commenting about how lucky we are to have Jayce for 4 full years.

                  • #8618

                    Tony (admin)

                    UGH. Bill Walton on the call. Guess I’ll have to turn the sound off and/or put on 700.

    • #8611


      Please win.

    • #8620

      Wilson’s Mustache
      Ute Fan

      Say what you want about Loveridge, but at least he knocks down his open shots. Utah would be a much different team if you could say that about all of the starters.

      • #8622

        Tony (admin)

        31-31 at half, and we aren’t playing great. Not playing terrible either. I little more D would help.

    • #8621

      Wilson’s Mustache
      Ute Fan

      Really thats a foul after they’ve let UCLA whatever they want all over the court?

      What is it about Poeltl?

    • #8623

      Tony (admin)

      It’s frustrating how we can’t hold onto a lead.

      • #8624

        Wilson’s Mustache
        Ute Fan

        14 pt lead with 7 minutes left. Bye….

      • #8626

        Tony (admin)

        Way to go Taylor. Cardiac Utes win. Shouldn’t have come down to the last seconds after being up 14 in the 2nd half.

        • #8648

          Tony (admin)

          So postgame as ar as 1-4 goes:

          Poeltl didn’t get in foul trouble but he struggled. He was the 1 of the 4 that didn’t happen. Loveridge, the guards, and Tucker all showed up.

          • #8668

            Wilson’s Mustache
            Ute Fan

            Was glad to see the Utes not turnt he ball over much.

    • #8625

      Wilson’s Mustache
      Ute Fan

      Heart attack kids pull it out…. yeash

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