Bachynski and Olson? How much do we miss them this year?

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    • #6830

      Ute Fan

      A ton.

      I don’t think we are even in the top three in the PAC12 this year with only one true center. Reyes is just not tall or athletic enough to pick up the extra minutes we need.

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by UTE98.
    • #6832


      Yeah this is not looking good. I guess we can always say that we’re a football or gymnastics school.

    • #6833

      Tony (admin)

      Ugh just got back from dinner and saw the score. Glad I missed this one.

    • #6836

      Ute Fan

      We are not quick enough to use “going small”to our advantage. We are slow on the perimeter and dont have the size in the middle to make up for it. We have matchup disadvantages everywhere because of it. Losing Olsen was huge.

    • #6841

      Tony (admin)

      Losing Olsen was huge

      Never thought I’d hear that…

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) Bachynski and Olson? How much do we miss them this year?