Here comes a rant…

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    • #44714

      Ute Fan

      So the AP Top-25 is out and there they are at #2, Penn State. It show’s that pay-for-play (SMU) is considered worse by the NCAAsshat’s then decades of child-sex abuse. How could you willingly not hand Penn State the ‘death penalty’ after knowing what Jerry Sandusky did and what Joe Paterno knew and still look at yourself in the mirror. Winning erases everything and winning has erased Penn State’s disgusting, perverted, vile recent past. Look at it this way, I don’t cheer for whoever the tds is playing because I really don’t care but I do cheer for whoever is playing Pedo State! End rant. 

    • #44720

      Ute Fan

      I hate Penn State. Maybe even more than I hate BYU, and my hate for BYU is pretty severe.

      Penn State doesn’t deserve to have a football program. Their fans defended Joe Paterno and even held a tribute for him. The program and the fans can go to hell, I will always root against them.

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Here comes a rant…