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GD 4th Downs

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    • #116582

      Man play like you want to win and go for 3 early 4th downs, kept giving there D the Momentum. Then down the damn Stretch punt….what the hell. Unbelievable!!! So disappointing!

    • #116620

      FWIW, those 1st three times we’d gone for it on 4th down was due primarily to the fact that we have a sh*tty Kicker.  Had Philips or Gay still been on the team, we’d have come away with an extra 9-pts.

      Still would have lost though.

    • #116629

      Some early kicking points might have been key momentum changes. Losing on 4th and 1 took the starch out of our team. Also that absurd reversal of targeting on Breeze. That was a textbook case of targeting and the reversal left him in the game, showed we couldn’t expect justice, and pumped him up. He clearly turned the game around on us multiple times.

      But oh well. We also didn’t get it done on the O-line. Our D got out schemed and pushed around too often. We were beat by a faster team who came fresher and better prepared. The end.

      I do want a kicker back…badly.

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