Kansas @  Utah


Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) IT’S GAME DAY!!!!!

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    • #209324

      The Utes travel to Arizona to try and stick the Forks. ASU has struggled a bit so Utah has an opportunity to grab a roaddy tonight. GO UTES!!!!!!!!!

    • #209326
      Minnesota Ute

      Roadies in the pac have always bothered me. It has been damn hard to win on the road in this league, especially against crybaby Hurly. Get ready for some antics!!

    • #209327

      Screw Hurley!

    • #209349

      Worst officiating game ever.

    • #209352

      Game is jobbed

    • #209353
      3 3

      One of the first BBall games I’ve watched… Smith is not what I was expecting him to be after hearing all the hype on here… also are we also this chaotic on the court? It’s like there is no coordination going on out there, hopefully we get back in this!

      • #209357
        The Miami Ute

        I have season tickets and have watched every Utah game this season. This is the worst we’ve looked by far this season. The team literally s**t the bed in the second half. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a team miss so many easy shots. Utah has to win games like this if it hopes to make it to the dance. Hard to see them making it with just a .500 conference record.

    • #209358

      Smith is so overrated as a Coach. Average X and Os guy and a terrible recruiter. Hired Burgess to be lead recruiter and all he does is bring in slow unathletic white guys to go along with Utah’s other slow unathletic white guys.

      Ben Carlson makes me long for Riley Battin. I’ve never seen a 6’9” guy play more like he’s 6’3” in my entire life.

      Lovering is unathletic uncordinated soft as tissue paper.

      Erickson couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat.

      Tarlac is a bust

      I’m willing to give Whalin a year to get back in shape but nothing about his game makes me excited for the future.

      Can you imagine this team next year without Br Carlson? Yikes!

    • #209360
      9 2

      wow… some of you guys are seriously panzies. Smith is an excellent coach. We had a bad game. That happens in basketball, especially on the road.

      This team and this coach are going places.

      • #209362

        I meant Deivon Smith… I might’ve turned the game on at a bad time, but I watched him blow an open layup, and two floaters

      • #209369
        1 6

        I love keyboard warriors who call people names who otherwise wouldn’t have the guts to do it to their faces.

        Utah had an easy noncon slate they will be lucky to go .500 in the Pac12 this year.

        This team lacks depth and athleticism and when the 3s aren’t dropping it’s incredibly average at best.

        Smith got lucky at USU when he stumbled into Merrill and Queta and rode them to success in Logan.

        He can’t recruit and he’s hired a staff to help offset that deficiency but Burgess just brings in more unathletic white kids from south Salt Lake.

        Last night was a bad loss. They were favored to win and come tournament selection day if Utah is somehow on the bubble it will hurt their chances of getting in.

        Utah will most likely end up in the NIT which will be seen as progress. But next year without an AA like Carlson to save his ass this team will take a big step back unless a miracle happens with NIL and recruiting.

        • #209370

          Says the keyboard warrior who wouldn’t say what he typed to the Utah players and coaches face. Best ones bring race into every argument also

          • #209372

            Hahaha. I would and I have. Went to multiple crimson club meetings with Coach K and questioned some of his decisions. When I spend my money on you you’re gonna get my opinion.

            It isn’t a race issue it’s a basketball issue. I can’t help it if 75% of the NBA is African American.

            Year in and year out Utah’s basketball team is athlete deficient. Big Rick even had a name for it that he would only talk about in select company but I don’t want to offend anyone here anymore than I already have apparently.

            Should’ve hired Johnnie Bryant that would have gone along way in changing the perception of Utah basketball in recruiting circles.

            Just sayin’

            • #209374

              You do know our team has Keba Keita, Deivon Smith, and Exacte (if he gets back on the court) that are all solid contributors, right? Then 2 7-footers and add in Madsen and Worster. If anything, this game was an indication we need to get better as using our size advantage, esp. against a team that starts 4 guards. They got hot and busted the zone and man-to-man was slow. Road games are always tough and the 1st conference road game of the season – meh, not a true indication of the team. They’ll bounce back and make adjustments. This team has a solid 8-9 player rotation. If anything, someone else needs to get hot besides Brandon. He definitely can’t do it all.

    • #209361
      D T

      By far & away, our worst performance on the season.

      Although I don’t expect a victory, I expect a much better performance tomorrow.

    • #209376
      1 1

      One of my biggest issues with Smith’s teams at Utah is their horrible perimeter defense. ASU shot 50% from the field and 43% from three. Spacing, rotation, and effort were all lacking last night. On offense, I am not even sure what we are running most of the time. Where was Madsen all night? Where was any semblance of an offense that got our best shooter involved in the actual game?

      There are certain Smith homers on this site that will continue to ignore the obvious but his teams are absolutely abysmal at perimeter defense. They have improved in rebounding a bit this year from last but they have NOT improved their perimeter defense much at all and last night made it glaring. The days of allowing teams to shoot open 3’s and rely on percentages are over. There are just too many good shooters out there. Unfortunately, ASU has several last night.

    • #209377
      4 1
      Minnesota Ute

      This was a trap game from the word go. I said it on another thread, 9pm tip roadie against Crybaby Hurley and with Pac12 refs that, for some reason, have had it in for us for as long as I can remember. We get jobbed at home, and get jobbed worse on the road. But f that, we need to play through that, and I believe we can and will. The doomsayers on here are WAY off base, but are typical of their ilk.

      We looked horrible, but it is the puzzle we need to solve. When we are getting beat up, sped up, and generally presented with an uncomfortable situation, we need to dictate pace. We need to protect the rock, have good shot selection, finish through contact, etc. None of us has a crystal ball to tell us if we’ll get there, but I for one like what I’m seeing from Smith and think this will be a teachable moment.

      It won’t surprise me if we win tomorrow. And then guess what, all these chicken littles will disappear like before.

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