Opening game in Australia

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    • #38135

      Ute Fan

      Didn’t realized the Utes turned down an opportunity to play in Australia.


    • #38137

      Ute Fan

      I hope they do it sometime. That seems neat.

      Is Kyle trying to embed at Rio Grande or something? Or does he always look this haggard at the end of fall camp?

    • #38138

      Wilson’s Mustache
      Ute Fan

      Smart move. There is no reason to travel to australia for a game. It makes for a long week. Great for the players, but bad strategically.

      “We were invited to that and we didn’t think that made a lot of sense for us,” said Whittingham, who added the Utes were approached about if by those organizing the games in Australia. “It’s got to be good for recruiting or really good for your players and we mulled it over for a long time.”

      In the end, though, the decision was made not to go.

      “There’s a lot to that game. There’s travel, there’s logistics,” Whittingham said. “It was something that I didn’t feel was in the best interest of our players.”

    • #38139


      This is my opinion, if there comes a time when teams are allowed to use the “Hawaii exception” as an incentive to play games in Australia, China or other trans-dateline locales then it makes sense for the UTES.

      Incidentally, that would be a great recruiting trip. Go directly to the islands and find another Fanene or a Nai Fotu

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Opening game in Australia