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CAL/ASU gamed canceled

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    • #131765

      Sounds like Herm and a bunch of his players tested positive.


    • #131766
      Tony (admin)

      I think we’re going to see just about every team in the Pac-12 have cancelled games. 

    • #131767
      5 3

      Pac-12 and the left-coast state governments really effed this up.  They are starting right when the fall/winter COVID-19 wave is getting hot.  Need to start thinking about a reschedule of Pac-12 basketball — maybe postpone 2-4 weeks.

      Fire Larry Scott!!

      • #131768
        2 2

        chill @plainsute, safety of the players and the community comes first…but i totally agree to fire larry scott.

        • #131790

          chill @plainsute, safety of the players and the community comes first…but i totally agree to fire larry scott.

          My response…I think this has been completely lost on this whole PAC football issue. Yes, the majority isn’t a fan of Larry Scott. That said though, I am really happy they haven’t just rolled kids out to play half-hazard, just to get their TV money. Sure some of the regulation seems rediculous, and is beyond frustrating. Its amazing though that our culture right now is to condemn a conference that is looking out for the health of these kids, instead of just trying to get their TV money.

          And yes, they are probably more afraid about getting sued, than the health of the kids, the fact remains they are losing revenue by not playing. 

          Amazing how the safety aspect is just being forgotten here. 

        • #131799
          4 2

          Well Big-12 and SEC showed it could be done safely in late August thru October when the numbers were low, but now the WIDELY ANTICIPATED rise with fall/winter weather is underway and they started-up the season.  How does that jibe with “players’ safety first”???

      • #131777
        2 1

        I agree Fire Larry Scott! But please explain how they effed up if the conference didn’t have access to the critical testing systems from Fulgent until the end of September. The sequence of a reliable same day Covid test was the key catalyst for starting the season. They couldn’t provide lead times for schools to prep until availability of the tests was secure.

        • #131778
          Central Coast Ute

          They effed up by painting themselves into a corner. Cal has had two games cancelled, two weeks into the season. Waiting until the weather cools down amd thinking daily testing is somehow going to cure covid is naive. Other conferences have somehow made it work but the PAC 12 can’t? That’s ridiculous. Now we’re seeing more games across the country get cancelled due to the time of year. Common sense would dictate to play in the warmer weather, not the cold when viruses tend to spread more quickly. Testing is not a cure. Until the vaccine is available, there won’t be one. Play in the warm weather so when there’s an outbreak, you can at least try to reschedule.

          • #131784

            I understand your points, but the testing capacity wasn’t available yet. That’s my point. I don’t know where anyone’s asserted that testing is the cure. It’s just a key strategy to minimize risks caused by infected individuals especially when they’re not yet experiencing symptoms.

            • #131789
              Central Coast Ute

              You’re right. Nobody is saying testing is a cure. It hasn’t seemed to stop the spread though. We’ve had three teams have to cancel their games so far. I honestly just dont see how the players are more safe now, than they would have been in September. Maybe I’m wrong, I just don’t see it.

          • #131844
            2 2

            Maybe the PAC12 is doing the right thing and the others were reckless in pursuit of the money. Maybe it will turn out to be the right decision.

            Can’t definitive say it was the wrong decision considering what information and disinformation was out there through the summer.

      • #131843
        2 3

        To be fair, the president of the united states kept telling us we have turned the corner so how could we have known he was lying?

    • #131769

      That’s a real tough break for Cal.  They had to cancel LAST weekend’s game (vs. UWa) too, leaving them 0-for-2 in season openers.

    • #131771
      Central Coast Ute

      I heard on the radio yesterday that Cal only had one player test positive last week but Berkeley wouldn’t allow them to play. That has nothing to do with player safety. Word is Cal is looking to move its operations for the year somewhere else, like New Mexico. Can’t say I blame them.

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