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Top 2 B12 Games involve Utah and 4 of the top 15

Welcome Big12 Fans and Foes Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Top 2 B12 Games involve Utah and 4 of the top 15

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    • #213157
      4 10

      Safe to say Utah is the new flagship program of this sh*thole conference. Go Utes!!
      15 Biggest Must-See Games of B12 in 2024

    • #213159
      UofU Fanatic

      By that same standard Kansas St was on it 5 times and OK ST 4 times if I counted right as I quickly scrolled.

    • #213160
      16 4

      we deserve the criticism Utah fans are getting from the big 12. this is truly arrogant.

      • #213161
        5 9

        Absolutely! I hope every Zoob sees it and posts it all over social media!

        I don’t want Utah to be liked! Liked doesn’t do us anything! Liked is for teams like TSPP that are the DOORMATS of the conference! #EmbraceBeingTheVillain!! Go Utes!

        • #213172

          What are you talking about? TSPP isn’t “liked”. They’ve been the most hated team in every conference they’d ever played in throughout my entire life. TSPP is so hated, there are teams who hate them despite having never shared a league with them.

          • #213175
            2 1

            Hahaha! Great point Philadelphia. It’s just funny how hard they’re all trying to be liked by their new conference mates.
            If they’ve managed to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, I’m sure it won’t last long haha!

      • #213166

        Arrogant? I mean sure, they can hate, but Utah didn’t make this list themselves.

        • #213167
          12 3

          Calling the Big 12, the conference we are now a part of a sh*t hole is juvenile.

          • #213168
            6 4

            Agreed…can’t say I ever grew up.

            • #213169
              2 3

              I think we ought to wear red hats that say in big white letters “make the big 12 great again”. That’s the attitude

            • #213171

              I can’t say I did either.

        • #213177

          he was arrogant by calling the conference a sh*thole.

          • #213179
            Jim Vanderhoof

            I agree not sure what his motives are. Why is it important that we are disliked by the teams in our conference?

            • #213180
              2 4

              Because being the team everyone hates/dislikes and wants to beat sucks up all of the attention. And there’s not going to be much attention to go around for B12 teams…that’s going to be mostly for the P2. Utah wants/needs to capture as much attention as possible.

              • #213182
                6 6

                i don’t think being disliked is the right way to go about it. Just win, and if they end up disliking it, let it be so.
                But Utah isn’t good enough to be arrogant like this. We aren’t Bama, we aren’t Georgia. Whittingham could leave any season, and we have no idea what happens after that.

                also we average 3-4 losses a season and think we are the sh*t? be realistic.

                • #213188
                  3 5

                  “Also we avg 3-4 losses per season and think we are the sh*t”…the Zoob narrative has obviously gotten to you.Winning back-to-back P5 Championships is no joke. And it’s especially hard to accomplish as a non-blue blood with a fraction of resources.The Zoobs can only dream of having such success, coming off a 5-7 losing season and failing to even make the toilet bowl. Somehow even that doesn’t stop them from running their mouths!

                  • #213196
                    3 2

                    what the… dude i was comparing us to alabama and georgia who are an arrogant fan base, and they can be.

                    i’m realistic, you are not.
                    there is no narrative from my side, you are pushing your own weird stuff onto people.

                    • #213199
                      2 3

                      That’s the problem. It’s ridiculous to compare us to Bama or Georgia or any other blue blood school. Utah isn’t even close to that. Nor is 120 other D1 schools. So to think Utah should’ve been posting 12-1 or undefeated seasons is simply unrealistic. Now that we’re in the B12 our schedule is softer than it’s ever been so maybe it is realistic for Utah to go 12-1 or undefeated in the regular season this year…we’ll see. But going 8-1 in conference play during our first Rose Bowl year was incredible! And finishing both Rose Bowl seasons 10-3 is also amazing and something to be proud of. Yes we ultimately finished with 4 losses both years because we lost the Rose Bowl to Ohio State and Penn State. It would’ve been awesome to win one or both of those games and we really should’ve gotten the win over Ohio State. However, any Utah fan that finds shame in losing to tOSU or Penn St needs some serious help.

                      Utah is one of the best non-blue blood programs in the country. As long as we’re stuck in the B12, we need to continue building the Utah brand, making as much noise as possible, so when the time comes we don’t get left behind for good. And make no mistake about it, Utah’s leadership is not content with being in the B12. There’s a reason why our leadership negotiated out of the B12’s 99 year clause and, by doing so, gave up our conference voting rights. This gives Utah more flexibility to leave the B12 for the P2 if the opportunity arises. Utah is only in the B12 because it’s the best option we have right now. But our leadership isn’t shying away from the fact that we don’t want to be in the B12.

    • #213170

      I would switch the TSPP and Arizona games, if nothing else from a conference race standpoint.

    • #213174

      Not a lot of “must see TV” for TSPP. Apart from little bro biting our ankles to make it to #2 on the list, ala the “Holy War”, they don’t register anywhere else out of the 31 games listed.

      The zoobs are gonna have to put in some major overtime trying to justify their insistence that they are the team that carries the “Utah” market.

      • #213203

        I think the writer is correctly recognizing that the Holy War outcome is not always logical based on team strengths and records and that Utah needs to win this year to remain in contention for the top spot, especially given the game against OkState is on the road.

    • #213176

      The only mention of the Y is in the Utah game, however, I think the Utah vs Colorado game will be better.

    • #213192

      I’m saddened at how meh I feel about all the games Utah isn’t part of.

      In the PAC12 there was always interest in what at least a couple of the teams were doing. Maybe as a conference race shapes up that will add some but man there’s just no national brands in the BIG12. (sadly including us)

    • #213197
      2 2

      i’m not even going to reply to you anymore, you obviously are a very emotional and very prideful person. ✌️

    • #213200

      Who wrote the article? Had to be someone in Utah. BYU Utah game, really? No one cares about that game in the Big 12 at all. A team who will be projected outside of the top 10 in conference can’t make this list.

    • #213206

      And then there’s the Top QBs in the Big XII here…
      Top QBs in the Big 12
      Utah’s Rising came in at #4.
      “QBU” is dead last. Haha!

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