Kansas @  Utah

Not surprised.

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    • #32635
      7 2
    • #32636
      1 1
    • #32640
      7 2

      This reminds me of another poll-

      In 2011, 30% of white evangelicals were okay with politicans who commit immoral acts.

      In 2016, after Trump’s p*ssy-grabbing audio leaked, this number rose to 72%.


    • #32646
      11 2

      See, you have to understand the fundamental principle at play here:

      The action or policy is immaterial.
      When Democrats/Obama/liberals do something, that automatically makes it bad.
      When Republicans/Trump/conservatives do something, that automatically makes it good.

      Seen through that filter, none of these sort of results are surprising.

      The only real surprise is how that level of cognitive dissonance doesn’t make people’s heads explode.

      • #32648
        2 2
        Newbomb Turk

        ^^Nailed it^^

      • #32651
        1 2

        My head exploded already…ideology trumps facts.

      • #32654
        2 5

        Irony: comparing this thread to the thread where people think obama only stealing $96 million from we taxpayers is somehow not a reprehensible thing.

        Extremists view the world in binary. Partisans are binary. Ergo… What follows?

        • #32655
          6 1

          I don’t think anyone was congratulating Obama on the costs of his vacations, or happy that their tax dollars paid for them (I’m not). They were simply using the $96 million as a relative figure compared to what Trump is projected to spend, and how none of The Donald’s supporters are upset about his spending, when they were constantly criticizing Obama for the same thing.

          It’s actually the very same argument that @OP is making in regards to Obama’s Syria approach vs. Trump’s.

        • #32661
          5 2

          Show us one comment in that thread that said the $96 Million was a good thing. Or are you just full of s**t?

          • #32662
            1 1
            Newbomb Turk

            You and your pesky facts.

          • #32664
            2 3

            Show me one where you so much as criticize obama’s theft of $96 million.  Show anything where you aren’t totally tunnel-visioned on trump.

            Basically every post of mine calls them both thieves and calls for others to abandon the ridiculous right-left false dillema. @Utah did so and good on him.

            Why can’t you? Do you somehow profit from obama looting $96 million but not trump?

        • #32663
          4 2

          I get that banging the “both sides are bad” drum is your thing, but it seems to me that you’re kinda missing the point.

          I’m fairly sure that no one is claiming that the money Obama spent on vacations is a positive. Hell, I was an Obama supporter and even I had a significant issue with the money that he was spending for security…but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to what Trump is racking up.

          We’re simply pointing out the hypocrisy in conservatives howling about it every day for the last 8 years, then it suddenly becoming perfectly acceptable because it’s their guy doing it. Add in the fact that we’re shuttering federal agencies because we’re claiming poverty, when an equivalent (or more) amount is being spent on his discretionary trips and housing arrangements. Oh, and can you please remind me of how much of the money Obama spent on vacations went straight into his coffers because he owned the properties?

          I don’t even know how to parse the fact that people think that paying for security because Melania can’t be bothered to move to DC or Trump wants yet another golf trip is more important than funding for local theater, arts, and broadcasting.

          • #32665
            3 2

            No, @SkinyUte, my overarching point is this:

            These left vs right arguments are by design. Many of us are led into them so that the argument becomes exactly what we see here, and BOTH sides’ crooks get away with it.

            If more of us can abandon the left-right bs and agree that both are thieves, we stand a much better chance of neither getting away with it.

            Instead, each side takes turns pushing the goal post further and further at the expense of honest taxpayers. That is unsustainable and can not last forever.

            • #32667
              2 2

              You’re right, they’re both thieves. A fact that has been stated by multiple people already.

              If they’re both thieves, I suppose it only makes sense to support the group of thieves who are only trying to take my money, rather than the ones who are hell-bent on destroying civil rights, the environment, foreign relations, and the US economy…in addition to robbing me blind

              • #32668
                1 1

                There are more options than that.  The lie… the con… is that there are only two choices.  I think it’s pretty strong argument in favor of the notion that the two parties are only publicly two, but privately one. 

                p.s. I honestly can’t tell which of the two sides you’re describing because I can think of examples of all your criticisms that apply to both.

    • #32650

      Echo chamber only works one way.

    • #32652
      3 1

      This principle certainly works both ways. However, as this poll shows, it’s certainly stronger when one is entrenched in conservative ideology.

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