This looks so good. It looks like it follows the books much better.

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    • #32028

      Ute Fan

      I can’t wait. Should be awesome. 

    • #32029

      Ute Fan

      When it comes to adapting a story by King it’s best to follow the books by the Blood and GOre Lord as closely as possible. 

      • #32033

        Ute Fan

        Very true. Hopefully with the newer technology, they can actually do a good job. IT and The Dark Tower later…dang. I’m excited, but will probably be disappointed. 

    • #32036

      Ute Fan

      This will be great. The one thing that killed me about the first film was the ending. The special effects weren’t there yet, and the entire illusion crumbled. Also, one thing every great horror movie nails is the music, and the music in the trailer is already unsettling.

      • #32041

        Ute Fan

        Very true. His books are so good, and his movies have been so disappointing. Hopefully the special effects can really do his works justice. 

        I read somewhere that they are making two movies. The first one will focus on the young Loser’s Club battle. The second will focus on the reunion. I’m excited. 

        • #32052

          Ute Fan

          Most of his best movies have largely been non-horror imho: The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Running Man, Stand By Me, and Misery (sort of horror I guess) come to mind. The only horror movie inspired by his books that I really love is The Shining. He’s had several decent flicks, at least entertaining, including Silver Bullet (haven’t watched since I was a kid), 1408, IT, Cat’s Eye, Firestarter, Christine, Cujo, and Pet Sematary, but none of those are even close to the level of the previously mentioned films, again, in my opinion.

          IT didn’t really require any crazy special effects until the very end, but they dropped the ball big time. I wish they would have just avoided showing us IT so vividly.

          • #32055

            Ute Fan

            I agree. I think in horror movies, less is more. Take The Babadook, for example. Great movie, and they never really show anything. Kept me freaked out the whole time. 

          • #32058

            Ute Fan

            Carrie as I understand was a good movie for its time and was King’s first novel he ever wrote.

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc This looks so good. It looks like it follows the books much better.