China Rider
China Rider replied to the topic How Billionaires Took Over College Football in the forum Football 3 weeks ago
What aren’t billionaires buying? From my perch it looks like we are entering the era of the robber barons circa 1880’s.
China Rider replied to the topic Snowden in the forum Football 3 weeks ago
Ever so true. The lessons we learn at the school of hard knocks but we all know you can talk to a kid until you are blue in the face and they will do just the opposite.
China Rider replied to the topic Snowden in the forum Football 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Good for the kids who can garner such a fortune. I do wonder what the money people expect for a return on these high profile investments which are so short term and to be able to then turn around and do it again. That kind of disposable cash boggles this simple mind. School pride? Tax write offs? For Kicks? A better perch at the game? Notoriety and ego?
China Rider replied to the topic Way too early Top 25 rankings for the 2025 college football season in the forum Football 3 weeks, 2 days ago
But it’s ok when Dillingham and Yormark go in front of the cameras and do the very same thing. One is scorned but the other is praised. Big 12 double standards. This conference sucks and reeks every which way.
China Rider replied to the topic Way too early Top 25 rankings for the 2025 college football season in the forum Football 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Snark at it’s best. Love to be a fly on the wall if your essay found it’s way to a certain desk.
China Rider replied to the topic Way too early Top 25 rankings for the 2025 college football season in the forum Football 3 weeks, 4 days ago
All we know for sure is that right now the Utes are a bad football team in a bad conference. If the backslide of the last two years continue, I’m afraid the Utes will be trapped here for good. Time is of essence.
China Rider replied to the topic 2024-25 CFB Championship Thread – Ohio State vs Notre Dame in the forum Football 3 weeks, 4 days ago
tOSU are the proven Champs this year. Growing up in the upper mid-west, my college football universe consisted of the Gophers, Big 10, Notre Dame and the PAC. Now a days it’s the Utes and still the B1G and Notre Dame so it was really a win win in my eyes. I do day dream and wish upon a star that perhaps the Utes can make this climb. I would so…[Read more]
China Rider replied to the topic ESPN 700 in the forum Football 1 month ago
Sports talk radio. I quit them all as well as the two fish wraps. I don’t want BYU any thing. I have no appreciation for basketball and my NFL attention span is short. My unit works well, my taxes are paid and I have windows in my house & a bed to sleep in. Got a car too and I don’t buy protein bars either.
Not buying what they are selling.
China Rider replied to the topic Drake 'Benedict Arnold' Toll sinks to new low,.. in the forum Football 1 month ago
Drake C Troll is really no different than the rest of the Big 12 echo chamber. They all blur the line between them and Zoob fans. So much so there is no line left to blur which is alright with me. I don’t want them to like me as a Ute fan or “my” school. Never wanted to be here in the first place and want to get away from them as quick as…[Read more]
China Rider replied to the topic Forgive me Vikings… in the forum NFL 1 month ago
Vikings gotta do what Vikings always do. Just like the last two games played this year. Heartbreakers since 1960. Ironically 1960 was the last time the Gophers won the natty in football. That’s what you call a good long stretch and the Utes are not helping at all with it. I think I’ll just sit over here in the corner for a while. At least if the…[Read more]
China Rider replied to the topic ND beats Penn State – Thoughts? in the forum Football 1 month ago
I agree. This year proves that a field of 12 is better than a chosen 4. Getting to see the cream rise to the top is a joy ride. The traditional favorites have to put up or shut up now. Quite nice indeed.
China Rider replied to the topic Texas senator aims to help NCAA regulate athlete payments in the forum Football 1 month ago
Ted Cruz. *cough* *cough*
China Rider replied to the topic ND beats Penn State – Thoughts? in the forum Football 1 month ago
Notre Dame hockey is in the B1G. Currently sixth of seven in conference standings. Penn St. is last.
China Rider replied to the topic ND beats Penn State – Thoughts? in the forum Football 1 month ago
Fun game last night. Let’s see what tonight brings us. I hoping for a SECless championship game.
China Rider replied to the topic Devon Dampier interview in the forum Football 1 month, 1 week ago
The kid seems sincere.
China Rider replied to the topic Status of Utah football in the forum Football 1 month, 1 week ago
The conference is awful. Were stuck with the zoobs. The offense is anemic. The kick team is out the door and we are rolling the dice with the newcomers. I have traded in the koolade for whiskey.
China Rider replied to the topic Sugar Bowl in the forum Football 1 month, 1 week ago
Just watched the “locked on bulldogs” over reaction podcast. These guy’s are fun.
China Rider replied to the topic Sugar Bowl in the forum Football 1 month, 1 week ago
Not just that but the ASU coach and Big 12 Commish ran their mouth about the officiating in public. If I were Harmon, I’d be contacting legal about getting some cash back with interest. Right or wrong but what is good for the goose should be good for the gander and work both ways.
China Rider replied to the topic ASU vs Texas in the forum Football 1 month, 2 weeks ago
This past week I have been viewing the Big 12 echo chamber. It’s been all how ESPN doesn’t like us. The SEC doesn’t like us. The committee doesn’t like us. The Big 12 echo chamber is just like the TDS echo chamber. OMG the whining and moaning. I have never ever been mistaken for being a SEC fan but today I’m hoping that Texas wipes the floor with them.
China Rider replied to the topic Tanuvasa to TDS in the forum They So Poo Poo 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Que sera, sera. Said he was staying. Said he was leaving. Wanted more than was being offered. The pockets said good luck. Just like the real world.
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