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Utah should demand unequal revenue sharing from B12

Welcome Big12 Fans and Foes Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Utah should demand unequal revenue sharing from B12

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    • #210746
      2 38

      for having to subsidize bottom feeder programs like BYU. Utah runs the league and is the only legitimate CFP contender…we should be compensated for carrying this sh*tty conference.

      Convince me I’m wrong.

    • #210747

      Uhhh, we haven’t even played a game in the Big 12 yet. This has to be a joke, right?

    • #210749

      C’mon, MDUTE, I read all of your posts and they’re great. But this post…ya, you’re better than that. There’s an element of Utah fan that’s in for a shock at how competitive this league is going to be. These boys actually care about football. MD, go ahead and save this receipt and we’ll revisit it in December to see who was right. I will gladly eat crow if I need to.

      • #210751
        8 6

        You’re right Backer…I thought I’d be moving forward by now but I’m still feeling depressed about this new conference. The release of the schedule the other day was just another reminder of the major step backwards Utah has taken by being forced to join this conference.

        • #210752

          The whole state of college football is depressing. They’re tearing it down brick by brick. It’s horrible.

    • #210750

    • #210755

      We need to see what this turns in too before making demands…… just chill

    • #210757

      Please don’t go make this suggestion on any of the Big12 boards on Facebook and other platforms. Our reputation is shaky enough on many of those places as it is.

      • #210784
        Central Coast Ute

        The byu fans who lurk here will probably post this on cougarboard and share it with other B12 schools

        • #210842
          Ute Dub

          Yup. It’s like we want to be hated.

    • #210761
      The Miami Ute

      I understand where you’re coming from. I feel the same way about being in the Big 12. However, I don’t feel that Utah has the right to demand anything until they prove it on the field.

      I could understand it if Utah had multiple CFP appearances or the highest viewership in the Big 12, but we don’t. I mean, TCU was just in the NCG a year ago and, in your scenario, here comes Utah demanding a bigger piece of the pie because what, it’s Utah?

      To me, that attitude might get us getting kicked to the curb in the next round of realignment.

    • #210762

      This is a small picture perspective. Big picture is B12 is a lifeboat, hopefully a short term fix and we somehow get invited to the cruise ship.

      I don’t think we rock the lifeboat in the meantime. I don’t think the short term gains, if you can even get them, are worth the defocus on the big picture and the reputation hit.

      I would think we need to sell ourselves to P2 and media partners as a top 20 program on the field and humble and adaptable partner off of it. It worked for P5 admission. Overestimating our value (see the notorious $50m valuation) didn’t work so well for the PAC12.

    • #210763

      I usually just get on this website to read the comments but this is the first comment in a while where I actually logged into my account just to press the dislike button.

      • #210791
        Tony (admin)

        Thank you for your participation. Everyone should interact more and help the site grow!

        • #210834

          Thanks Tony! Honestly appreciate everything you do for this website.

    • #210765
      3 2

      MD is a good dude. He’s just frustrated, like a lot of us.

    • #210771
      13 1
      2008 National Champ

      even for hyperbole, that went a bit far. The conference you are disparaging just threw your school a lifeline while its previous conference was imploding around it and gave it a better deal than the previous 4 teams it admitted.

    • #210778

      This is such a Cougarboard style take lol

    • #210780
      6 1

      The worst kind of fan right here. You’re the worst. Please leave and go hang out on Twitter.

    • #210789
      4 1
      Jim Vanderhoof

      You can down vote me all you want but Utah has historically not fared well in Texas. We struggled against a bad Baylor team last year and TCU would destroy us in the old MWC at home.

      I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see a cake walk through the conference. Tough to win on the road. First time playing in different parts of the country in hostile environments. I can see our home field as being a big advantage for us. Teams will struggle to win here with our crowd and not knowing what to expect weather wise.

      • #210795
        2008 National Champ

        Plenty of wins against Rice, UTEP & SMU. I even remember watching Utah rough up aTm on a Thursday night.

        • #210799
          Jim Vanderhoof

          Looks like 0-4 Houston 2-2 TcU 0-2 Texas 0-2 Texas tech. We won’t be playing Rice or UTEP to get easy wins. Just saying those wins on the road are not easy. Not saying we can’t get them. We could easily lose a couple toad games. Luckily we will be hard to beat at home. Big 12 teams will struggle first time playing us at home.

      • #210840

        Agreed. TCU concerns me the most. I still have PTSD from some of the old MWC games against them. I am hoping now that Gary Patterson is gone, it won’t be the same—they had our number too many times.

    • #210796

      Rice beat the hell out of Utah back when we played them at their home in the expanded WAC. One of the all time worst performances I have seen from a Ute team.

    • #210797

      Tides raise all ships. Once “unequal revenue sharing” rears its ugly head, that’s when “prima donnas” emerge, and conferences fall apart.

    • #210800

      I’m not down at all about being in the Big 12 (other than BYU being in the conference).

      I’m just down about losing all the great rivalries that we developed in the Pac 12.

    • #210805

      Hold on, MDUte, let’s win a few games first! I grew up watching the SWC and continued following the B12 as my grad degree is from UTD and I can tell you that the B12 will truly test the Utes’ defense as it’s typically an offensive-based conference – with the joke being for most games “first team to 100 wins!”.

    • #210843

      Texans love their high school football and consequently have a lot of great players. Utah has brought in many late bloomers and under-recruited players from Texas that have shined. We all know the names like Brant Kuithe.

      These Texas universities sitting a tier below Texas and Texas A&M will sometimes be stacked with such players and I expect Utah to be surprised at times with how effective their B12 opposition is. Combine this with Utah’s tendency to sometimes play to the level of their competition, and I think Utah should expect a lot of tough games.

      Utah has gained a lot of momentum in recruiting by being in the P12. In order to maintain this while competing in a less prestigious conference, Utah is going to have to win. Utah certainly can win but there is a lot of risk over the next 2-4 years. If Utah is mediocre in a second-tier conference, will they continue to land recruiting classes around rank 30? Hopefully we will win a lot and not have to find out.

      Demand unequal revenue sharing? Don’t be silly. Win, be gracious, strive to be the best option when the next round of restructuring occurs. Acting like entitled jerks has not helped any school that didn’t already have the bonafides- just ask the Zoobs.

    • #210861

      Yes, we need to show we aren’t team players so that we are more appealing when everything shifts again. Hell, Oregon and Washington are taking haircuts to join BIGFOX. You can bet the buy-in for super leagues will be significant in amount and duration. Watch the SEC/10 “study group” suggest the buy-in will be $100 mil up front and $50 mil a year for 10 years.

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