Utah @  BYU

Terrible Tweet

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    • #221870

      Terrible Twiiter Post

      When Utah fans do something like this – it makes us all look bad. I hat to see this crap.

    • #221873

      Ugh. Very ugly. Wish I was on x to say so.

    • #221874
      2 3

      Utah, despite being a team and school I love, has a subset of fans that are the worst in sports. Worse than almost any other team. And they tend to reside on X. They need an intervention.

      • #221875

        I don’t do X, but a couple of my sons do. From what I hear, there are some very ugly posts on there from Ute fans. It really ticks me off because I know most Ute fans are not that way.

      • #221876

        Is it really worse than any other team? I’m genuinely curious because I don’t pay much attention to other college football teams, and I’m not on X.

        • #221880

          Good question. I honestly don’t have a clue. But, from what I heard from my son who is a big time Utah fan – is that many Ute fans on X often cross the line.

          • #221956

            It’s usually the same like two dudes with multiple burners. Hazarding it’s Ann Arbor Ute and moose

        • #221896
          8 6

          In our own unique way, yes. We have a subset of fans that are ex-Mormons (and note I am not saying all exmo Ute fans are this way, let’s be very clear about that) or otherwise want to make it very clear that they are not Mormon and need to make sure that everyone knows it. This causes them to act like complete morons and very outlandish online and say vile, awful, & terrible things (as exhibit A, I give you the old, what a terrible cesspool of humanity that site became). And they are most prevalent on Twitter.

          I sat next to one of these morons at the Rose Bowl last year. He was vile and crude. And he was rude to all the Ute fans around him. At one point his knees kept hitting the old guy in front of him and the guy glanced back. The guy wasn’t rude or didn’t even say anything. This guy next me yelled at him, saying “What, bitch?” and mouthed off to him. What a complete dick. Well, I had had enough and told the guy off and essentially threatened him. Fortunately for all the Ute fans around us he more or less sat quiet the rest of the game.

          But do we have fans that will go burn down an old growth grove of trees on BYU’s campus, I hope not. But other fan bases do have that.

          • #221969

            Utefans and Cougarboard are the same people. I will always believe that.

      • #221888
        Tony (admin)

        Every fanbase has boneheads.

        • #221898
          5 5

          Our small subset of boneheads though are among the worst. Way worse than anything delusional TSPP fans have. They may be annoying, holier than thou, and irritatingly optimistic about their team each year (quest for perfection!), but their worst fans have nothing on our worst fans.

          • #221907
            Tony (admin)

            Is this a joke? LOL

            • #221935
              1 5

              One hundred percent not a joke, I’ve spent A LOT of time with BYU fans and Utah fans and a lot of time online. The worst of Utah fans are way worse than the worst of BYU fans. But BYU has a much higher percentage of fans who are delusional and simply irritating to engage with.

          • #221910
            Central Coast Ute

            Not sure how you can say we have the worst. There were a couple tspp fans making fun of Alex Smith for almost dying from his leg injury. There are bad apples everywhere. Good thing for us this guy is clearly not a Ute fan.

            • #221936

              Those are terrible fans. No different from what this Ute fan did. But Utah seems to have a larger subset of fans that are simply terrible people. BYU fans irritate the crap out of me.

              • #221966

                This is purely your experience and opinion. You have facts saying otherwise during events involving TSPP fans.
                A TSPP fan rushed the field and got beat up by an Utah cheerleader.
                The trash throwing multiple times at refs to end games.
                The fan that attacked Coach Whitt’a wife.

                I mean it isn’t even a comparison of behavior. They are by far the most annoying fan base to deal with and there are receipts.

                I refuse to ever go to an event on TSPP again. I had a dirty diaper thrown at me when I went to a TSPP rivalry game. TSPP has an attitude of they think they are better and chosen they also want to rub your nose in it. Any Utah fan growing up in the 80’s and 90’s experienced this. Most Utah fans I know just want to avoid TSPP and never play them again.

                The hypocrisy is always the worst to. Acting holier than thou.

                Then you just have to talk to Aggies they will say the same thing. Assaults, uncalled behavior then the TSPP fan base will say it is righteous retribution.

    • #221878
      Central Coast Ute

      Luckily, that’s a Nebraska fan living in Utah and not a Ute fan.

      • #221889

        He’s trash taking byu coach in relation to utah football. Hard to argue he’s not a fan.

    • #221879
      High Uintas

      If you think Utah fans are worse than any other fans, you should get out more.

      • #221881

        Worse or not – that tweet was uncalled for.

        • #221894

          First time on the internet? Loads of uncalled for s**t constantly.

      • #221899
        7 3

        Oh, the religion factor makes a unique dynamic and causes us to have some god awful terrible fans. It’s a small subset, but they are just awful. Sure they aren’t burning down trees on BYU’s campus like LSU fans allegedly did to Auburn. But we have some of the worst fans in the country (though, again, it’s a small subset of the fan base).

        We also have one of the best fan bases in the country. the State of Utah loves their sports, I’d argue among the states out west, Utah loves sports more than pretty much any other. It’s as close to a southern state in terms of CFB loving as any state not in the South. Our fans are passionate, loud, and committed. Unfortunately, the religion element to it causes some Utah fans to act like complete a-holes all the time and it also cause BYU fans to hated for their “holier than though attitudes” and not knowing how to act like normal fans (hence why pretty much every fan base that hangs with BYU for awhile ends up hating them).

    • #221882
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Thank goodness it’s just a few mentally unstable people that hide behind a fictional name and keyboard. Every fan base has them. Welcome to social media.

    • #221884

      X is a cesspool but is that guy even an Utah fan?

      People assume so because he has Utah in his screen name

      I’d guess he’s a Cornhusker fan living in Utah.

      • #221887

        Uhhhh…. Not an utah fan…??? He’s commenting directly about a byu coach in relation to our team. we all wish he weren’t a fan.

        • #221897

          He’s a Nebraska fan living in Utah. He’s more of a byu hater than he is an Utah fan.

          If NU was playing byu this year his comments would have reflected as such but since they aren’t he used Utah(the other local team)for his stupid take.

          He’s not an Utah fan. He’s a fan of whatever team is playing BYU this week.

        • #221904
          Central Coast Ute

          His name is literally Utah Husker. If you want to pretend that other schools, especially in the west, dislike byu, you’re living in a pretend world right along with the zoobs.

        • #221916

          Nothing is simple any more. So many trolls pretend to be one thing but are actually the opposite. As for guessing if it is a Ute fan I simply think, is this like anyone I know?

          However, I love and support police, military, teachers, coaches, etc. EVEN though I have encountered a complete Jack Ass in each group. Identity is the preponderance of a group, not every last one of a group.

    • #221886
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Honestly it shouldn’t matter. It’s a reflection of 1 idiots opinion with no affiliation to an entire school or fan base.

    • #221893

      It shouldn’t. Most fans know that social media posts are not real or are trolling. It’s funny to also see people arguing with Bots. It is getting so sophisticated you can pretty much count on not engaging with a human anymore.

      I think an FSU fan said he would eat dog poo poo out of a Red Solo cup if they lost to Boston College on X. Well his account was deleted.

    • #221906

      I’m pretty active reading X but I almost never post anything. So I see a lot of the Ute fans posting.

      We DO have some nasty trolling fans. I know a few people have posted here and elsewhere that this brings attention to our fanbase and that they say it is good. That’s debatable at best (I personally disagree, since if we’re relying on bad behavior on X, well then there are better ways to get attention to our fanbase.)

      However I am convinced that these trolling X Ute fans are very small in number. About 100 maybe. Which is a TINY percentage of our fanbase. Give or take a few. However their voices make it sound like it’s much more. And BYU fans are doing EVERYTHING to make that 100 or so appear to be 100,000 – those Y fans doing this are just as pathetic in their own way, in my opinion, but they’ll never see it. But I won’t go into BYU fan behavior here more since this is about Ute fan behavior.

      • #221937

        The problem is the unfortunate amount of attention they get

    • #221908
      4 1
      Tony (admin)

      It’s simply about numbers. You get x number of any “group” and a certain percentage of them will be whackos.

    • #221912
      Kek U

      So many little girls here

    • #221913
      Kek U

      It’s funny u just jealous u not think it

    • #221925
      Roy Rangum

      The joke was in poor taste, however, I don’t think it was over the top bad either. From what I can gather: Hill had only a mild heart attack and was out of the hospital in a few days. This isn’t the same as making a holocaust joke or something of the like.

      Also – it is sad we have some vocal boneheaded fans on X / twitter. While I don’t think we necessarily have any worse fans than any fan base (every group of people will have its morons), ours unfortunately appear to be quite vocal. Hopefully the amazing fans we get to interact with here will be able to help others overcome any negative first impressions they get from X.

    • #221929
      The Miami Ute

      The focus should always be on the team and not on the fans. I had season tickets for the Dolphins for a couple of years in the early 90s and the guy, who also had season tickets, who sat in front of me was one of the most obnoxious human beings I’ve ever met. Always four sheets to the wind come game time, constantly swearing, confrontational if someone told him to pipe down, you get the picture… lesson I learned a long time ago with this guy is that just because you support and like a team, that doesn’t mean that you’re always going to like your fellow fans.

    • #221948

      Are we sure this person is a real Utah fan? I have found several Zoobs posting ridiculous stuff on several Big 12 Facebook groups posing as Utah fans. I think the tweet is horrible but I would not be surprised if it turned out to be a Zoob.

    • #221951

      Every team in the history of sports fandom has a minority of terrible fans. Certainly, somebody should call them out, but I’m not going to waste time on that part of the fanbase in regards to thinking about them more than I have to.

    • #221974
      Kek U

      I get You don’t like the joke, but what a bunch of hypocrites here.

      So much holier than thou
      Just like all the zoobs

      Calling him disgusting and mentally unstable

      Who are you trying to protect?
      Maybe hill finds it funny too

      Laughter is the best medicine
      Don’t take life too seriously

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