mesovanhorny replied to the topic Anyone streaming the SUU game tomorrow? in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
i wish Roots4Utes still streamed on Twitch. Perfect high def game every time. Sadly, looks like they’ve moved on to other piracy platforms
mesovanhorny replied to the topic Today in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Today is always my favorite day for college football. It hold so much promise, optimism, and hope.
Today, we’re undefeated. On paper, it looks like we have damned good team and as much potential as I’ve ever seen in my 35 years as a Utah fan. I also love the tough, dare I say, professional approach our coaching staff has brought to the hill.…[Read more]
mesovanhorny replied to the topic Spam Update in the forum Ute Hub Site 6 months, 3 weeks ago
He got me too. What a dill weed. Must be just enough people who fall for this ish out there
mesovanhorny replied to the topic B12 considering private equity investment of up to $1B in the forum Football 8 months, 1 week ago
Someone else said it above, PE will siphon off any positive financial progress any NCAA conference could make. Slit the wrist and drain the blood. Yikes.
There need to be some guardrails around what amateur athletes can make earn through NIL, maybe directly tied to tiers and the athlete’s potential to generate an expected amount of revenue.…[Read more]
mesovanhorny started the topic Josh Eilert in the forum Basketball (Men) 8 months, 1 week ago
Sounds like a really nice hire for the men’s basketball team.
mesovanhorny started the topic Pete Prisco love for Vaki in the forum Football 10 months ago
It’s great to see a national sports writer acknowledging the talent of Vaki.
mesovanhorny replied to the topic Master List: 2024 Incoming portal players and commits in the forum Football 1 year ago
Ashford to South Carolina.
mesovanhorny started the topic Ja'Quinden Jackson in the forum Football 1 year, 1 month ago
signs with Arkansas. OK.
mesovanhorny replied to the topic Cole Bishop declares for NFL draft in the forum Football 1 year, 2 months ago
Once he declares, is he gone from the team? Or could this just be exploratory?
mesovanhorny replied to the topic Feast your eyes on the limited edition Ute Hub trucker hats! in the forum Football 1 year, 3 months ago
yeah, these are bitchin’
mesovanhorny replied to the topic ESPN 700 in the forum Misc 1 year, 4 months ago
I’ll be listening to ESPN 700 tonite and not the FS feed if Brock Huard’s doing the play-by-play. I can’t stand his voice, his takes, or really anything Brock related. Blowhard Brock
mesovanhorny replied to the topic Streaming options for upcoming season in the forum Misc 1 year, 6 months ago
I just wanna know if RootforUtes will pop back up on Twitch. My thanks go out to whomever you are. HD feed which is pretty bitchin’ for those of us that have YouTubeTV and are out-of-state.
Please bring it back, and thanks!
mesovanhorny started the topic I get the disappointment, but come on in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
I understand that people are disappointed with another RB loss. I was hoping for the big win. And I also get that the program has evolved pretty significantly since joining the Pac. But for whatever reason, I’m very happy with where this program is at.
We’ve got our best recruiting class coming in Utah history. The team consistently competes…[Read more]
mesovanhorny replied to the topic I’ll give… in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
i mean, isn’t that what Utah pretty much always does?
mesovanhorny started the topic Charlie Brewer & 2021? in the forum Football 2 years, 6 months ago
I’m trying to understand what the coaching staff saw in Brewer last year to designate him as the preseason starting QB over Cam. I wasn’t there in camp and don’t have any insight into the why’s and how’s.
Anyone else have a legit take? Maybe someone with connections to the program? You go watch the early season games with Brewer vs. the games…[Read more] -
mesovanhorny started the topic Question for RootsForUtes in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 years, 3 months ago
basketball broadcasts too? boy, I sure hope so. thanks for your service to humanity
mesovanhorny started the topic Ethan & Josh Calvert? in the forum Football 3 years, 5 months ago
Ethan was one of our highest-rated HS recruits ever, and Josh transferred in from the WA Huskies I believe. Are they just not ready, or is there something else going on there? Really excited to see those two one day.
mesovanhorny started the topic exactly what i expected in the forum Football 3 years, 5 months ago
Sure, it was sloppy, but I expected it to be. This was a warm-up game. If they came out of the gate like that and they were facing the likes of Oregon or SC, then I’d be worried. But they scheduled Weber to expose flaws, clean up their game, and make adjustments. There is a ton of talent there, and I’m confident Kyle will have them dialed in for…[Read more]
mesovanhorny started the topic What happened to Maxs? in the forum Football 3 years, 5 months ago
Just wondering. He’s wonderful. I wish him well, but I also wonder what happened a bit? I’ve heard nothing. Covid? Desire? Heart? Injury? Team violation?
Good luck, Maxs. I hope one day I’ll see in a Utah uni again. - Load More