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How to watch Utah Ute sports after the move to the Big 12

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    • #219483

      I’m wondering what others are doing. Looks like most telecasts are on ESPN+ this year.
      I currently have Comcast, which had PAC 12 Networks. I don’t currently subscribe to ESPN+ of course.

      Disney has packages with just ESPN+, or in a bundle with Hulu and Disney for another $5 a month.
      But no regular TV included, so I may not be able to give up Comcast.

    • #219485

      I believe most of the football and basketball games will be on ESPN or Fox, with an occasional game on ESPN+.

    • #219487
      6 2

      Our TV options have worsened. We will find a bunch of our games on streaming, ESPN+

      The BigXII is a step down, let’s face it.

      • #219492
        4 1
        Central Coast Ute

        BIG TIME! I would take P12N any day over ESPN+. it’s straight garbage. Man I miss the PAC already.

        • #219496
          D T

          Well, our ESPN+ broadcasts are Bill Riley’s responsibility now as the U’s new Director of Broadcasting, so I’m optimistic the quality will be at least decent.

          However, I’m still p**sed I have to pay extra for it.

      • #219500
        7 3

        Big disagree, ESPN+ is cheap and easy to find. Whereas the P12 network was a big pain.

        The nice thing about + is anyone can get it if they want for pretty cheap. Whereas, to get regular ESPN, fox, or, p12 net you had to be paying an arm and a leg for a full cable package. A lot of us have cut the cord, so the more games are on subscription sites the better.

        • #219509
          1 1
          Central Coast Ute

          So now you have to pay an arm and a leg for a cable package, plus another subscription for ESPN+. I’m not sure how you can figure that’s better. P12N was also easy to find and not a pain at all.
          I’m wondering. Do you think all of Utah’s games will be on ESPN+?

          • #219512
            3 1

            Well, I’m not. I cut the cord. So I’ll either a) borrow a family member’s cable login or b) stream it on a sketchy streaming site on my laptop and connect my laptop to my TV. But games on ESPN+ I can watch easy because I already have the Disney Bundle.

            The future is streaming. let’s just get there already.

            • #219525
              Central Coast Ute

              Gotcha. I usually go with FUBO TV. Which is a streaming service. The price isn’t much better than a cable package though.

              • #219555
                D T

                I’m a FUBO guy myself….Wish I could get ESPN+ with it.

              • #219565

                I’ll check it out

    • #219488
      D T

      Quite a few of our olympic sports will be on ESPN+, but as of now, only one football game is scheduled for +, SUU….That likely expands to another game at most, hopefully, but most of our football games will NOT air on + from what I’ve gleaned.

    • #219491

      To get pac12 on Comcast you needed the sports and entertainment package so you might be able to drop that and save $10 and pay for Disney +, Hulu and ESPN +

      • #219493
        Central Coast Ute

        You still need the sports package for ESPN and all of its networks along with Fox Sports don’t you?

    • #219498

      I got the Disney/Hulu/ESPN+ and more this week. It’s not expensive and as it turns out I get a lot of other unexpected options.

      The SUU game is on ESPN+. The USU and Baylor games are being picked up by the networks. I suspect every conference game will be on Fox, ESPN, ABC, or at the very least something like FSN or CBSN.

      The Big 12 is a basketball powerhouse, so I suspect most games will be easy to get. Obviously, the Olympic sports are a different story.

    • #219503
      The Miami Ute

      I get ESPN+, Hulu, and Disney+ with my Verizon cellphone account at no added cost. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

      • #219532

        Are you sure that package with Verizon is at no extra cost, or do you have like 12 lines on your account? We had Disney+ until I canceled it recently, and it was an extra cost.

        May want to check your invoice.

        • #219638
          The Miami Ute

          Yeah, it’s at no extra cost. I have four lines under my name and the ESPN+ package comes included at no extra cost with one of the lines that has Verizon’s 5G Play More plan. It’s been like that for about three years. You may want to check it out: 5G Play More

    • #219511
      High Uintas

      The Disney Bundle is well worth the money. I probably stream more from Hulu and Disney than I do from Netflix, Paramount and Peac**k combined. So even without ESPN+ it’s worth it and and an absolute necessity while Utah fans wade through the muck and mud of the Big 12.

      • #219513

        You have to censor Peac**k?

        • #219514

          Whoa, the website automatically does it! That seems a little extreme. I mean a Peac**k is an actual animal and non-sketchy streaming service.

          • #219536
            Central Coast Ute

            All cuss words have a historical legitimate use. Even a c**k is an animal as well as a bitch. Even the F word was used as a military term long ago, meaning to penetrate the enemy lines.

            • #219540
              Central Coast Ute

              Funny that c@&k is censored but the b word isn’t. When I typed that I assumed it would be.

          • #219599
            Tony (admin)

            To appease app stores a lot of words have to be filtered. Otherwise they find ways of removing the app from the App Store because of content. So better safe than sorry. 

    • #219519

      With the demise of the PAC12, I ditched Comcast/Xfinity for both cable and internet and went all-in with Google. I now have Google Fiber (love it) and YouTube TV and save $100 per month from Xfinity. No stupid boxes to pay rent for. Xfinity was a must have for the Pac12, but not any more.

      I still need to add ESPN+, but plan to.

      I already had the family package for YouTube Music and YouTube Premium that works well on all my Google home devices. So I can manage all my Google services and payments in my Google account dashboard.

      I use Roku for our TVs and Chromecast works perfectly with our TVs when needed.

      I prefer the traditional menu of Xfinity over YouTube TV, but I really don’t channel surf any more at all and just watch recorded programs. YouTube TV has unlimited DVR. YouTube TV also seems to travel much better in hotels than Xfinity did. I use a travel router and Roku for travel.

      Good luck in your journey.

      • #219541

        You and I are in a similar place. I hated to have to stream Pac12 network games.. Although cat jam is still fun and hilarious if for nothing else than the comments.
        I like YoutubeTV for the library/dvr and really like the cfb multiviews for when I’m not watching the Utah games as that’s about as much surfing as I do. The rest of the UI is a little meh though.

    • #219531

      Our experiences with the P12 network seem to have varied significantly. I live in SEC country and trying to find the P12n was like looking under rocks. None of the major providers carried it. No sports bars or restaurants showed the games. The streaming options my family preferred did not offer the P12n.

      I am not trying to say it was impossible for me to find P12n, but it was difficult enough that I ended up watching the big games taken by other networks and watched highlights after the fact for games only available on P12n.

      So put me in the camp of expecting B12 broadcasting availability to be an improvement. I have little doubt that the family of any recruit or player living outside of the western U.S. will have an easier time finding the games than during our P12n days.

      • #219545
        Central Coast Ute

        All you had to do was download an app. You can easily find it anywhere in the world.

      • #219559

        I also live in sec country. It was super easy to watch every game.

    • #219534
      2 1
      High Uintas

      Finding the Pac-12 Network was always easy, it’s just that many fans didn’t understand how to use the “new” technology. If it wasn’t on their cable guide they threw up their hands and called it impossible. Today, even my inlaws, in their 80’s, know how to use streaming services and so they see an ESPN+ channel button on their streaming service and click on it. The big loss of the PTN will be the quality of the broadcast and the selection available to the viewer. Are Big 12 schools going to produce coverage of gymnastics or baseball? We’ll see.

      • #219535
        1 3

        Yes it was easy if I wanted to pay for the streaming services my family wanted and then pay again for the streaming services that carried the P12n.

        The simple fact of the matter was that outside the west, many of the popular streaming services, and every single cable carrier, did not give two s**ts about the P12n.

        Would you like proof? The P12 network was not profitable and the P12 died.

        • #219550
          Central Coast Ute

          That doesn’t change the fact that it was easy to find and the fan experience was better. Where did you get that it wasn’t profitable? The U got a payout every year from it which means it was profitable. Trying to blame the P12N for the demise of the P12 instead of the presidents, chancellors, commissioners, and USC is ludacris.

    • #219537

      I just dropped Xfinity/comcast and switched to the HULU + Live TV, Disney Plus and ESPN +. It’s like $79.99/month and then another $9.99 if you want more than two users at a time. I went from $162 a month to $89.

    • #219548
      High Uintas

      I’ll drop Comcast when there’s a fiber hookup available at my house. They’ve run the conduit down my street so it’s getting close. I’m looking forward to making that phone call.

      You're fired

      • #219606


        I tried to talk to Comcast about better deals (even if I went back under contract). They said they didn’t have anything and that I was already grandfathered under some promotion. After Fiber hit my house, I dropped them. Now I get a gig up and down (from about 800meg just down) and save $100 per month with my replacement Fiber and streaming TV (with no contracts).

        I now get calls from Comcast about 3 times a week that I just reject, after years of no contact and no offers, even after I would reach out to them.

        Welcome to free agency.

    • #219553

      I appreciate all the information and comments. I have internet and phone with Comcast as well, so have to juggle all that in switching completely to streaming. But does look inviting to go with the bundle of ESPN+, Disney, and Hulu, as long as I can also get other common sports channels and local channels.

      I looked at the Ute official website before the initial post, and checked again. It shows that most conference games are on Big 12 (ESPN+), with Baylor on Fox, Utah St. on CBSSN, and UCF on Fox. Unless this changes or is not correct, it looks like you need Big 12 (ESPN+) if you want to watch at home.

      • #219556
        D T

        I just checked & it only shows the SUU game airing on ESPN+ at this point.

        • #219718

          Most of schedule after September not announced yet. Like the PAC12, will find out game times and networks a week or two before the game.

    • #219562

      I guess it may be best to wait and see what shakes out as far as TV for Utah games. I agree with others that it is hard to believe the Big 12 conference games will not be on highly viewed networks like ESPN, FOX, etc.. Hope the University comes out with a solid TV viewing schedule for us fans in the next few weeks.

    • #219569
      1 1
      High Uintas

      According to the contract, ESPN gets 12 of the top 20 picks from the Big 12 schedule. There are 72 conference games and 48 non-conference games. FOX has the rights to 8 top 20 picks and 18 other games. Do the math, most games are going to be on ESPN+.

    • #219580

      The only football games that will ever be on “Big 12 on ESPN+” will be crappy non-con or MAYBE really crappy conference games. Everything else you’ll be able to watch on ESPN, Fox, CBS, or one of their affiliates like ESPN2, Fox Sports, yada yada yada. I’ve enjoyed the Disney/Hulu/ESPN package because, like someone said, you can watch pretty much all of the non football/men’s basketball sports on it.

      • #219612

        I hope you’re right, but I don’t think that’ll be the case. By expanding the conference to 16 teams, it created more conference inventory. But the number of networks broadcasting these game remained the same. That suggests each team will find fewer of their games aired on the major networks.

        • #219613
          High Uintas

          And Fox has a financial incentive to promote the Big Ten and ESPN the SEC and even the ACC. The Big 12 isn’t getting the prime broadcast slots except for their biggest games.

        • #219715

          Right, but that inventory came from somewhere else. Supply of games remained roughly the same.

        • #219723

          The Big 12 and B1G now have more inventory, however, the Pac 12 inventory disappeared. I think it will be a wash.

      • #219614

        Hey Knoblocker, I want to take my dad to the Oklahoma St game, but before I buy the tickets, I’d like for you to tell me how your stadium sets up. I don’t want to make him climb a bunch of steps to either reach his seat, or exit the stadium. Which rows are closest to the entrances? Is it like Arizona, where you enter in the lower bowl? Or is it like the Rose Bowl, where you enter between the upper And lower decks?

        • #219717

          Yes! So excited to have you all!

          IMO, the seats on the far East side of the stadium closer to the basketball arena, Gallagher-Iba, are at a bad angle and are in the sun for a portion of the game making it uncomfortable in an Oklahoma September. Unless you sit higher up which it sounds like you don’t want to do. Yeah, our stadium runs East-West. Other than that, there’s not a bad seat in the place.

          You can enter the stadium bowl from two levels. Because you won’t want to climb many stairs, I’d look for tickets in the 100’s or single digit sections. I’ll post a link to the seating chart below.

          As my name suggests, my tailgate is set up on a street called Knoblock. It runs right into the stadium. We’re also on the corner of Elm, which runs right into Eskimo Joe’s. So stop by!

          Boone Pickens Stadium Seating Chart

          Utah game is sold out, but the OSU Athletics website will have links to Seat Geek where you can find third party tickets.

          Utah @ OSU Seat Geek Tickets

          Looks to be plenty of seats near exits in the West end zone!

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