Astute Ute
Astute Ute started the topic Extra Ticket + Alumni Tailgate UCLA in the forum Football 8 years, 3 months ago
Have a extra ticket in the Utah section for tomorrow’s game, in the Irvine area or could meet up in the morning just selling it for cost, buddy got sent to Switzerland for work. Tailgate starts at 10 am, in 2014 it was located in the Golfcourse Clubhouse, imagine it will be there again. Message me. Thank you!
Astute Ute replied to the topic NCAA Bracket Contest – Win a Visa Gift Card in the forum Basketball (Men) 8 years, 11 months ago
I as well would like to pitch in on this gift card, I only roll with Google Wallet, If one of you twos would like to direct message me I can transfer money to you.
Astute Ute replied to the topic Oregon Fans in the forum Basketball (Men) 8 years, 11 months ago
My experience at the Hunty was quite the opposite, even though I am 99% sure that they were Zoobs in their pac 12 team disguise, as they made a reference to us almost losing our bowl game several times. Mostly douchey, but up in Eugene for the football game my experience was 80% positive 20% negative. Mainly drunken kids, which doesn’t bother me.…[Read more]
Astute Ute replied to the topic NCAA Bracket Contest – Win a Visa Gift Card in the forum Basketball (Men) 8 years, 11 months ago
I emailed my bracket to you @admin Utah beating Ashley Judd in the final 4…I’m going to laugh at all you Michigan State Picker’s… Of course we are going to win the National Championship, as we do every bracket I fill out.
(Here’s your bracket ~Tony)
Astute Ute replied to the topic ESPN Playoff show RANT in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
Yes, especially these big12 teams, guaranteed they get left out again.
Astute Ute started the topic ESPN Playoff show RANT in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
I’m sitting at home, watching this Playoff show. Not sure what its called there are 3-4 guys on it. They basically said if Stanford beats Notre Dame, and loses to Utah in the PAC12 Championship does Utah belong? This was at the end of the show and 2-3 guys are shaking their head no… It really pisses me off, 3-4 weeks ago these same idiots were…[Read more]
Astute Ute started the topic ESPN Playoff show RANT in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
I’m sitting at home, watching this Playoff show. Not sure what its called there are 3-4 guys on it. They basically said if Stanford beats Notre Dame, and loses to Utah in the PAC12 Championship does Utah belong? This was at the end of the show and 2-3 guys are shaking their head no… It really pisses me off, 3-4 weeks ago these same idiots were…[Read more]
Astute Ute replied to the topic TV Announcers for the Washington game in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
Brady Quinn is a idiot, his comments were dumb. Was not impressed and really glad I was at a bar where I could barely hear him, after watching it again, I just wanted to punch him in his face.
Astute Ute replied to the topic F**k Arizona. Rich Rod is a clown and Arizona fans are the dumbest people I've e in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
I do feel the same way…about Arizona. The language doesn’t offend me either. Personally we are all adults we hear it every day, kids hear it at school.Half the time is not even in the proper context. With that being said I think that we should all respect what Tony has asked. Moose has not done anything to offend me, sometime’s his post’s…[Read more]
Astute Ute replied to the topic Anybody else think on that last UW interception the defender pushed off Repp? in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
I completely agree that was a push off should’ve been called receiver was trying to adjust, hence the phantom PI call was a make up call for not throwing the flag.
Astute Ute replied to the topic Parking. in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
hahhahahah this whole time I have been looking by that VA for the tailgate. I feel like a idiot.
Astute Ute replied to the topic Tim Patrick out for the season. in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
They were waiting for him to say he was good, coaching staff is the one that ultimately made the call. I believe it was either in the coaches show or the Monday Presser. That they were shutting him down and applying for a Medical Hardship.
Astute Ute replied to the topic Who's Attending the Game @ USC? in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
I will be, tailgating @ Alumni Event as well, maybe mingle with some trojans before hand. Leave SLC in 1.5 hours
Astute Ute replied to the topic New QB Commit in the forum Football 9 years, 4 months ago
I think it was Piper,not sure but someone posted that he’s Senior’s cousin. Who also went to SMC. Hope he has that Smith like attitude.
Astute Ute replied to the topic Podcast of Champions in the forum Football 9 years, 4 months ago
Podcast of Champions is ok, they need to take it to a soundboard….thats my only complaint.
Astute Ute replied to the topic Oregon State Game Time in the forum Football 9 years, 4 months ago
Maybe you should send a formal complaint to the PAC12, I’m sure they will take your’s as serious as they will RichRod’s complaint about a 8:00 kickoff time. I’m just glad we have an normal kickoff time for once.
Astute Ute replied to the topic Oregon State Game Time in the forum Football 9 years, 4 months ago
Maybe you should send a formal complaint to the PAC12, I’m sure they will take your’s as serious as they will RichRod’s complaint about a 8:00 kickoff time. I’m just glad we have an normal kickoff time for once.
Astute Ute replied to the topic LA TRAVELS in the forum Football 9 years, 4 months ago
yeah…that sounds quite nice.
Astute Ute replied to the topic ASU was stealing our offensive signals in the forum Football 9 years, 4 months ago
Coach Whit in the press conference basically said, we stopped using signals, purposefully. Thought ASU was getting an advantage.
Astute Ute started the topic LA TRAVELS in the forum Football 9 years, 4 months ago
Anyone going to LA? Another large group of us are heading out there Thursday/Friday. We will be at the Alumni tailgate, but looking for other tailgate’s in the area. Hope to see lots of Crimson there. Go Utes!
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